Magazine Title No. of Issues Publication Newsstand Special Offer Subscription Saving Postage Sum (HK$)##
Frequency* Price (HK$) Per Issue (HK$)** Price (HK$) (HK$)
雜誌名稱 訂閱期數 刊期* 報攤售價(港幣) 每期優惠價(港幣)** 訂閱價(港幣) 節省 郵費(港幣) 合共(港幣)
Men 男性
Esquire (UK Edition) 12 M # - $852.00 - - $852.00
GQ (UK Edition) 12 M # - $756.00 - - $756.00
Maxim (UK Edition) 12 M # - $852.00 - - $852.00
Menmode   SA $99.00 $80.00 (student rate) 20% -  
  2 1-year Subscription       $160.00
  4 2-year Subscription       $320.00
  6 3-year Subscription       $480.00
Men's Health 10 M # - $288.70 - $132.00 $420.70
Men's Journal 12 M # - $298.30 - $158.40 $456.70
* Publication Frequency:            
* 刊期:          
D Daily 日報/日刊
W Weekly 週刊
2W Bi-weekly 雙週刊
M Monthly 月刊
2M Bi-monthly 雙月刊
Q Quarterly 季刊
SA Semi-annual 半年刊
A Annual 年刊
O Online Access (access for 1 year unless specified)
** The "Special Offer" was calculated according to the subscription for the longest term available.
# indicates that the magazine is not available in Hong Kong and the newsstand price is not available.
# 表示該雜誌未有於香港發售,以致未能顯示報攤售價。